National Register of Historic Places listings in South and Southeast Baltimore

NRHP listings in South and Southeast Baltimore

The locations of the National Register properties and districts listed below (at least for all showing latitude and longitude coordinates below) may be seen in a Google map by clicking on "Map of all coordinates".[1]

This National Park Service list is complete through NPS recent listings posted December 30, 2011.[2]

Main:List of RHPs in Baltimore

Current listings

[3] Landmark name Image Date listed Location District[4] Summary
1 Bagby Furniture Company Building 01998-10-22October 22, 1998 509 S. Exeter St.
2 BALTIMORE (tug) 01993-11-04November 4, 1993 1415 Key Highway
3 Baltimore and Ohio Locust Point Grain Terminal Elevator 02004-12-23December 23, 2004 1700 Beason St.
4 Baltimore and Ohio Transportation Museum and Mount Clare Station 01966-10-15October 15, 1966 Pratt and Poppleton Sts.
5 BANCROFT (motor vessel) 01980-03-27March 27, 1980 Fell's Point
6 Bankard-Gunther Mansion 01980-08-06August 6, 1980 2102 E. Baltimore Street
7 Barre Circle Historic District 01983-01-10January 10, 1983 Roughly bounded by Scott St., Ramsey St., Boyd St., and Harbor City Boulevard./S. Fremont St.
8 Building at 239 North Gay Street 01994-10-07October 7, 1994 239 N. Gay St.
9 Butchers Hill Historic District 01982-12-28December 28, 1982 Roughly bounded by Patterson Park Ave. and Fayette, Pratt, Chapel, Washington, and Chester Sts.
10 Canton Historic District 01980-01-29January 29, 1980 Eastern Ave. and Waterfront, Conklin, and Chester Sts.
11 Carroll Mansion 01973-05-25May 25, 1973 800 E. Lombard St.
12 Carrollton Viaduct 01971-11-11November 11, 1971 Gwynn's Falls near Carroll Park
13 Chizuk Amuno Synagogue 01978-04-19April 19, 1978 27-35 Lloyd St.
14 Coca-Cola Baltimore Branch Factory 02001-05-04May 4, 2001 1215 E. Fort Ave.
15 Douglass Place 01983-09-15September 15, 1983 516-524 S. Dallas St.
16 Dorguth Memorial United Methodist Church 01979-08-14August 14, 1979 Scott and Carroll St.
17 Dundalk Historic District 01983-12-08December 8, 1983 Roughly bounded by Liberty Parkway, Dunman, Willow Spring, and Sunship Rds., and Chesapeake and Patapsco Aves.
18 Eastern Female High School 01971-09-10September 10, 1971 249 Aisquith St.
19 Equitable Gas Works 02003-12-29December 29, 2003 1401 Severn St.
20 Federal Hill Historic District 01970-04-17April 17, 1970 Bounded by Baltimore Harbor and Hughes, Hanover, and Cross Sts.
21 Federal Hill South Historic District 02003-12-22December 22, 2003 Roughly bounded by Cross St., Olive St., Marshall St., Ostend St., Fort Ave., and Covington St.
22 Fells Point Historic District 01969-03-28March 28, 1969 Bounded on the north by Aliceanna St., on the east by Wolfe St., on the south by Baltimore Harbor, and on the west by Dallas St.
Southeast Includes later boundary increase.
23 Flag House 01969-12-03December 3, 1969 844 E. Pratt St.
24 Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine 01966-10-15October 15, 1966 Locust Point, at the eastern end of Fort Ave.
25 Gay Street Historic District 02003-11-21November 21, 2003 Bounded by N. Gay, Fallsway, Low and N. Exeter Sts.
26 Hendler Creamery 02007-12-20December 20, 2007 1100 E. Baltimore St. and 1107 E. Fayette St.
27 Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church 02002-12-30December 30, 2002 106-112 E. West St.
28 House at 9 North Front Street 01979-06-14June 14, 1979 9 N. Front St.
29 SS JOHN W. BROWN (Liberty Ship) 01997-11-17November 17, 1997 Pier 1, Clinton St.
30 Johns Hopkins Hospital Complex 01975-02-24February 24, 1975 601 N. Broadway
31 Leadenhall Street Baptist Church 01979-03-16March 16, 1979 1021-1023 Leadenhall St.
32 Little Montgomery Street Historic District 01982-04-15April 15, 1982 W. Montgomery and Leadenhall Sts.
33 Lloyd Street Synagogue 01978-04-19April 19, 1978 11 Lloyd St.
Southeast A part of the Jewish Museum of Maryland.
34 Loft Historic District North 01985-01-03January 3, 1985 Roughly bounded by Paca, Redwood, Eutaw, and Lombard Sts.
35 Loft Historic District South 01985-01-03January 3, 1985 Along the 500 block of W. Pratt St., bounded by Green St. and the 100 block of S. Paca St.
36 Lord Baltimore Hotel 01982-12-02December 2, 1982 20 West Baltimore St.
37 Maryland White Lead Works 02002-12-27December 27, 2002 921-979 E. Fort Ave.
38 McKim's School 01973-03-30March 30, 1973 1120 E. Baltimore St.
Southeast McKim Community Center
39 H.L. Mencken House 01983-07-28July 28, 1983 1524 Hollins Rd.
40 Montgomery Ward Warehouse and Retail Store 02000-09-14September 14, 2000 1000 S. Monroe St.
41 Mount Auburn Cemetery 02001-09-07September 7, 2001 2614 Annapolis Rd.
42 Mount Clare 01970-04-15April 15, 1970 Carroll Park
43 National Brewing Company 02002-12-30December 30, 2002 3601-3901 Dillon St.
44 National Enameling and Stamping Company 02002-12-27December 27, 2002 1901 Light St.
45 Old Town Friends' Meetinghouse 01973-03-30March 30, 1973 1201 E. Fayette St.
46 Parker Metal Decoration Company Plant 02000-11-22November 22, 2000 333 W. Ostend St.
47 Patterson Park-Highlandtown Historic District 02002-12-27December 27, 2002 Roughly bounded by Patterson Park Ave., E. Fayette St., and Pulaski Highway, Grundy St., Easter Ave., Patterson Park
48 Pigtown Historic District 02006-12-28December 28, 2006 Roughly bounded by McHenry St. and Ramsay St., W. Barre, S. Paca, Ostend and Wicomico Sts., Bush and Bayard Sts, and the railroad line
49 Polish Home Hall 02007-12-26December 26, 2007 4416 Fairhaven Ave.
50 Poppleton Fire Station 01983-09-08September 8, 1983 756-760 W. Baltimore St.
51 Procter and Gamble Baltimore Plant 01999-10-28October 28, 1999 1422 Nicholson St.
52 Public School No. 25 01979-09-25September 25, 1979 S. Bond St.
53 Reservoir Hill Historic District 02004-12-23December 23, 2004 North Ave., Madison Ave., Druid Park Lake Dr., and Mt. Royal Terrace
54 Ridgely's Delight Historic District 01980-06-06June 6, 1980 Roughly bounded by S. Fremont Ave. and W. Pratt, Conway, and Russell Sts.
55 Rombro Building 02005-05-26May 26, 2005 22-24 S. Howard St.
56 St. Alphonsus' Church, Rectory, Convent and Halle 01973-05-23May 23, 1973 112-116, 125-127 W. Saratoga St.
57 St. Elizabeth of Hungary 01994-11-04November 4, 1994 Junction of E. Baltimore St. and Lakewood Ave.
58 St. Leo's Church 01983-07-28July 28, 1983 221 S. Exeter St.
59 St. Michael's Church Complex 01989-05-17May 17, 1989 1900-1920 E. Lombard St.
60 St. Paul's Cemetery 01988-06-30June 30, 1988 Redwood St. and Martin Luther King Boulevard
61 St. Peter the Apostle Church and Buildings 01976-10-14October 14, 1976 11 and 13 S. Poppleton St. and 848 Hollins St.
62 St. Vincent De Paul Roman Catholic Church 01974-02-12February 12, 1974 120 N. Front St.
63 Shot Tower 01969-10-01October 1, 1969 Southeastern corner of Fayette and Front Sts.
Southeast Also known as Phoenix Shot Tower.
64 School No. 27 (Commodore John Rodgers Elementary School) 01986-03-21March 21, 1986 2031 E. Fayette St.
65 Sonneborn Building 01982-10-29October 29, 1982 110 S. Paca St.
66 South Central Avenue Historic District 02001-11-11November 11, 2001 Approximately 8 blocks centering on Central Ave. between Pratt and Fleet Sts.
67 Southern District Police Station 02001-12-28December 28, 2001 28 E. Ostend St.
68 Turner-White Casket Co. Building 01995-01-26January 26, 1995 509-511 W. Lombard St.
69 U.S. Post Office and Courthouse 01977-03-25March 25, 1977 111 N. Calvert St.
70 Union Square-Hollins Market Historic District 01983-09-15September 15, 1983 Roughly bounded by Fulton, Fayette, Pratt, and Schroeder Sts.
South See Union Square and Hollins Market
71 USCGC TANEY (WHEC-37) 01988-06-07June 7, 1988 Pier 6
72 Walters Bath No. 2 01979-06-19June 19, 1979 900 Washington Boulevard
73 Wilkens-Robins Building 01980-12-03December 3, 1980 308-312 W. Pratt St.

See also


  1. ^ The latitude and longitude information provided in this table was derived originally from the National Register Information System, which has been found to be fairly accurate for about 99% of listings. For about 1% of NRIS original coordinates, experience has shown that one or both coordinates are typos or otherwise extremely far off; some corrections may have been made. A more subtle problem causes many locations to be off by up to 150 yards, depending on location in the country: most NRIS coordinates were derived from tracing out latitude and longitudes off of USGS topographical quadrant maps created under the North American Datum of 1927, which differs from the current, highly accurate WGS84 GPS system used by Google maps. Chicago is about right, but NRIS longitudes in Washington are higher by about 4.5 seconds, and are lower by about 2.0 seconds in Maine. Latitudes differ by about 1.0 second in Florida. Some locations in this table may have been corrected to current GPS standards.
  2. ^ "National Register of Historic Places: Weekly List Actions". National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. Retrieved on December 30, 2011.
  3. ^ Numbers represent an ordering by significant words. Various colorings, defined here, differentiate National Historic Landmark sites and National Register of Historic Places Districts from other NRHP buildings, structures, sites or objects.
  4. ^ Official Baltimore neighborhoods, defined here